Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DIY Pill Box

So, I am super excited for my first craft!  I don't know about you but I carry a lot of pills and medicine in my purse and carrying the bottles all around is aggravating.  I wanted to get a cute pillbox that I could just put what I needed in.  I found this super cute one made by Fossil but it was way to expensive so I decided to make my own.  So, instead of spending $20 for the Fossil version I paid about $5 for all of the materials and the best part is that I can use most of them again!

Inspiration for my DIY pill box
What you need to get started:

  1. Scissors
  2. Acrylic Paint (the basic craft kind--you can find like a million colors for less than $1 each at Michael's) 
  3. Paint Brush
  4. Old Tin Box (I used an Altoids box but if you have a different shape or sized box that works too, I wouldn't use something like a shoe shine container since it needs to be food safe and I also recommend you use a metal box.)
  5. Fabric Scraps (You don't need more than about a 6 or 7 inch square)
  6. Cotton Balls
  7. Hot Glue Gun
All the materials you will need

First things first I separated the top of my Altoids tin from the bottom (This makes it much easier to glue the fabric on later).  Once I separated the tin I painted the bottom white and set it aside to dry.  I chose to use white because it matched my fabric well but you can use any color as long as it covers up all the writing on the tin.
Separated pieces of the tin
I chose to use some cotton balls between the lid and the fabric to give it more of an upholstered look.  This is optional but I think it looks much cuter a little fluffier.  To do this I took a few cotton balls (about 4 or 5 should be good), to keep it from looking really puffy when I finished I pulled the cotton balls apart to make them a little flatter and a little wider.

Cotton balls being pulled apart

After I pulled apart the cotton balls I placed them on the lid of the container and made sure that they were the size and height that I wanted.
After I put the cotton balls on the lid
After I was happy with the cotton balls I took my fabric and made sure that it was the right size, kind of like when you wrap a present.  After I made it the correct size i laid the tin face down with the cotton balls on the fabric.
Top face side down on the fabric.
After that I took the hot glue gun and put a line of glue across one of the long sides and folded the fabric onto the lid and pressed it into the hot glue.  Repeat with the other long side.  WHen you get the the shorter sides it gets a little bit trickier.  I folded them on the sides sort of like wrapping a present.  You may have to cut some length off but you don't want the fabric to go too far towards the middle of the lid.  I had some problems with the fabric not staying as flat to the edges as I wanted so I used the
end of some tweezers (Not the tweezing end but the handle)

Lid after 3 sides have been glued.
After you finish all four sides, make sure the entire bottom is painted on all the sides--don't paint inside the box.  I used 2 coats of paint on mine but as long as it covers all the markings on the tin 1 coat is good.  After all the paint and glue is dried you are finished and ready to start using your new pill box!

Thanks so much for reading and Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. where is the picture of the finished product? wld love to see what it looks like! i made one too but with the plastic AM & PM pill box. super cute and super fun!
